Each Solution helps you work smarter, and here's how one of them helps partners to earn more commission.
Islander St. Lucia is the only travel services provider in St Lucia to offer travel agents the ability to determine their own commission rates.
Become a partner Solutions, Simplified. Our travel services have been designed to complement your clients' trips and our selling and servicing solutions can be easily integrated into your business.
Travel agents are the lifeblood of our industry; we want to make sure travel agents know we appreciate everything they do for their clients. At Islander St. Lucia we have developed this commission structure where agents determine their own commission
Travel agents are able to create a higher revenue stream by adding their own commission on our rates that will help offset the reduced commissions they receive from hotels and tour operators in St. Lucia.
"The commission from travel is being squeezed by everyone along the travel supply food chain leaving travel agents with little more than the pips," said Ron Rodney,
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